チラシやクーポンなどのお得な情報を配信するサンドラッググループ公式アプリです。 いつでもどこでもサンドラッググループのお得な情報をチェックでき、お買い物をサポートする機能が満載です。
お気に入り店舗を登録すると、登録した店舗からのお知らせをプッシュ配信します。 お得な情報を見逃さないためにもお気に入り登録することをお勧めします。
・店舗検索 周辺の店舗、店舗名、地図検索から簡単に店舗の検索ができます。
「サンドラッググループ公式 お薬手帳アプリ」への相互リンクにより情報をスムーズにご確認できます。
Sun Drag Group is an official app that delivers information such as flyers and coupons. You can check the Sun Drag Group deals anytime, anywhere, and it is packed with features to support your shopping.
■ Main function
· Flyer delivery
Deliver the latest flyers.
・ Favorite store registration
When you register your favorite store, push notifications will be sent from the registered store. We recommend that you register as a favorite to avoid missing out on deals.
I will deliver a coupon coupon.
-Store search You can easily search for stores from nearby stores, store names, and map searches.
・ Shopping site
You can shop on the sun drug mail order site.
・ Recommended
Delivers information such as ongoing fairs, recommended products and seasonal recipes.
・ Electronic membership card
The app can be used instead of a point card.
※ It is not available with tablet by function with smartphone.
Beauty health information
You can easily access beauty health information site from the app.
·Information of sale
You can easily access to the deals site from the app.
・ Collaboration with medicine notebook application
Information can be checked smoothly by the mutual link to "Sun drug group official medicine notebook application".